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整形美容切口缝合技巧-----------------------------------------------2016-02-02 发布时间:2016-02-02 来源:dog9226医学视频 作者:




1. 良好的皮下和皮内埋置,缝合位置有助于死腔的关闭和消除皮肤的缝合张力。同样皮肤缝合也可以消除组织死腔。
2. 一个最有效的皮肤间断缝合,是在近皮缘处垂直或最好向外侧转动进针,包括真皮的良好缝合和确保创缘外翻。
3. 由松弛侧向固定侧缝合,即首先由游离皮片边进针,然后经受植区皮肤缺损之固定边缘出针。这种顺序比由固定边缘进针,然后试图用针钩缝不稳定游离皮片边缘更好。
4. 将薄皮缘与厚皮缘缝合时,在薄皮缘处浅层进针要稍深些,然后在厚皮缘处浅些出针,这样可使双侧皮缘平整对合。
5. 当一侧创缘比另一侧要低时,由高侧创缘浅层进针,然后在低侧创缘稍深位置出针缝合。由低向高缝合造成缝线由低侧穿出。缝线长端向上牵拉打第一个结时,就会使低侧创缘向上与对侧创缘处于同一水平。
6. 为获得最整齐的创缘缝合,精细的缝线比金属夹或微孔胶带更为有效。金属线很少产生异物反应,丝线更易于缝合操作,涤纶、普洛灵及尼龙线则稳定而富有弹性。单线针比褥式缝合更好,因为2个针眼通常好于4个针眼。除此通常情况外,对于足底、手掌、阴囊、耳后区和斜形切开的创缘,褥式缝合会起到较有效的作用。根据力学的微型Lillputian分布,用缝线在靠近皮缘处缝合伤口是有益的。如果缝线距离创缘太远,就会遗留阶梯状的缝线压痕,要去除这种压痕,就需牺牲太多的组织。对关闭伤口时有张力,且需保留缝线较长时间的部位,在某些特别要避免缝线压痕的部位,最好用得麦隆(Dermalon)缝线形皮内缝合。这样不但可保留较长时间,也无缝线压痕的危险。皮内缝合线最好以每隔5.08cm(2英寸)或小于5.08cm(2英寸)的距离穿出皮肤后再进入皮内,这样可缩短拆线时间,拆线也更容易些。

仔细观察瘢痕整形技艺大师,弗吉尼亚州福尔斯彻奇的Alfred F. Borges 的W-整形术缝合操作,就会知道应该怎样更好的学习技艺。在全面认识到高超技艺的重要价值后,Borges4982年写道:

1. 沿皮肤张力线“RSTL”(Relaxed Skin Tension Line)行走方向选择手术切口,其瘢痕将获得最佳美观和功能效果;
2. 对于张力线(ALT, Antitension line)的外壳显露手术切口,曲线的皮肤切口在愈合方面优于直线ALT切口,因为其可提供更宽大的显露和形成一条良好的富有弹性的术后曲线瘢痕;
3. 对抗张力线的瘢痕可通过锯齿状瘢痕修整手术(W或Z改形术)加以改善。该技术可以改变瘢痕的方向,并将其分割成短小的直线瘢痕。任何面部没有按RSTL行走的瘢痕,都可经W成形术或Z成形术进行修正而加以改善,条件是先前没有太多的皮肤缺损。
4. 皮肤张力是瘢痕形成的基本因素,皮肤张力的形成受皮肤缺损里昂、区域、走向、类型、瘢痕长度及病人年龄的影响;
5. 在大部分情况下,宽大和(或)增生的瘢痕不适合用任何瘢痕修整手术。简单切除一条因伤口自行愈合和棱形切除瘢痕后关闭创面所形成的宽大和(或)增生性瘢痕,将不可避免地在手术后再次形成一条宽大和(或)增生的瘢痕;
6. 不要轻易去行瘢痕修整,除非你有理由确定,你可以部分或全部改变形成不理想瘢痕的因素,或你可以承担整修术可能会导致比原先瘢痕更差的风险;
7. 当处理一条严重凹陷瘢痕或一条绞索状突起瘢痕是,Z改形术首选方法,因为Z改形术可以通过组织的交叉插入,消除和改变张力,达到明显的平衡作用;
8. 在纠正半环状隆起瘢痕畸形是,治疗目标不应包括正常皮下脂肪组织的隆起,而应针对弧形皮肤瘢痕所致的束带状收缩;
9. 缝合时最常见的技术过错是皮肤缝线结扎得太紧。

约翰霍普金斯医院的William S. Halstead在1890年就提醒外科医生:“由缝合合结扎而造成的血循环障碍,常常是感染创面化脓的直接原因。”



1. 施行间断缝合时,对于一个较短的直线形伤口,可先在伤口的两端各做一个缝合,再将两端的缝线拉紧,使伤口两侧的皮肤自然队合,然后再在两端之间进行间断缝合。对于一个不规则的伤口,应该先选尖角或突出部分进行缝合,以后再用等分缝合法将全部伤口缝合。
2. 有些伤口,例如切削伤伤口,其边缘的厚度常在两侧各不相同,即有时一侧较厚,而另一侧较薄。这时,为了求得进针的深度能在伤口两侧彼此相同,其与伤口的距离亦不相同。通常皆需在较厚侧距离伤口边缘较近,在较薄侧距伤口边缘较远。

3. 缝合的伤口如较深且稍有张力,则在缝合时最好采用褥式缝合法或远-近、近-远缝合法,垂直褥式缝合法亦称“在端”褥式缝合法(Mcmillen氏法),它在缝合皮肤边缘同时可以将皮下组织缝合。远-近、近-远缝合法亦称翖翼缝合法(Bolster氏法),它在缝合皮肤边缘以后再在距离皮肤边缘较远处再作一个缝扣,减少皮肤边缘的张力。



1. 真皮缝合和皮下缝合的区别:

1) 真皮缝合是选择性缝合真皮的方法。其目的是减张,以防止一期愈合后的瘢痕在形成稳定性瘢痕前的数个月期间因持续的张力作用而变宽。

2) 皮下缝合:一般并非单纯的真皮缝合,而是包括皮下组织的缝合,主要作用是为了闭合死腔。虽有一定的减张作用,但达不到减张缝合的减张效果。


4. Stair-Step Technique of Repair

a. The Stair-step resection of scars of lesions, and the stair-step incision to expose and to carry out procedures such as the augmentation mammaplasty enable one to repair in a stair-step fashion with a sound layer closure. This makes for a safer wound closure, especially when there is tension on the edges, and makes exposure of foreign implants or grafts (such as breast prostheses, bone grafts, and cartilage grafts) less likely. Interruption of the continuity of the healing wound external to the graft or implant is not likely with this repair because it distributes and shares the tension in each layer.

b. This technique may be applied to any wound closure and in resection of superficial lesions or scars, as is demonstrated. The tissue usually keep their normal thickness to give a level skin surface, with less likelihood of spreading or depression of the scar line.


a. 阶梯形切除瘢痕,阶梯状切开并暴露深层组织,例如隆乳术,这样,我们以同样阶梯形式缝合,可安全放心的闭合切口。这种切口修复方法相对更安全,特别是切缘张力较大时,阶梯状缝合使外源性植入物或自身移植物(如乳房假体、移植骨、软骨)更不容易外露。由于阶梯状缝合使张力能够分布并分散到不同的层面,切口在不同的层面修复,故植入或移植物几乎不可能外露。
b. 临床应用证实,该方法或许可拥有任何表浅伤口或瘢痕切口的修复。由于该方法降低了瘢痕的挛缩力的扩展或凹陷幅度,故愈合后局部组织通常可维持原来正常的厚度,保持一个平整的外观。


a. The inframammary and the ancillary incisions allow for an incision through the skin, then dissection downward, before penetrating more deeply to the retromammary area. This creates a stair-step type of approach, which permits a more thorough closure by pulling the subcutaneous fat flap down over the implant, to close beneath the lower skin flap. This stair-step repair gives a thick, secure closure over the implant and more nearly insures sound wound healing without danger of dehiscence of the wound. Obviously, this approach does not penetrate the breast tissue but skirts the underside (or the lateral side, for the axillary approach) of the breast.

b. The periareolar (marginal areolar) approach for the small breast allows the surgeon to dissect inferiorly or laterally around the margin of the breast in the subcutaneous plane and to approach the retromammary space without penetrating the breast tissue. This is definitely preferable to a division of the breast tissue.

c. The transareolar or periareolar approach may penetrate and divide the breast tissue. This transaction may cut across the ducts, creating cysts or blockage of the duct. This approach is not favored by the author for this obvious reason and because it creates additional scar tissue in the breast which is difficult to evaluate in future breast examinations. The hazard of decreased somewhat, particularly but the transareolar approach and the nipple-splitting incision.

Neither the technique of b nor c allows an adequate check for bleeding vessels and securing of these vessels, and for hemostasis one must depend primarily on insertion of packs or of pressure before insertion of the augmentation prosthesis. Though the marginal areolar incision leaves little scarring in most instances, a heavy scar in this area is much more disturbing to the patient than one in the axilla or in the inframammary area.

The Overlap Technique

a. For depressed scars, defects in the underlying deeper soft tissues, and depressions in the underling skeletal tissues, there may be a need to build up the soft tissue and increase its thickness. The actual overlap of the deeper tissues is carried out rather than bring them together in stair-step fashion as in Figure 1-6, or as a simple layer closure as shown in Figures 1-5. A resection is carried out both superficially and deeply as is required. Then the superficial and the deeper tissues are undermined separately to allow sliding together of the superficial tissues and overlapping of the deeper tissues.

b. This technique may be used to maintain or correct contour defects and to build up the thickness of the soft tissue when there are deficiencies of either soft tissue or underlying skeletal tissues. A layer repair is carried out as with all wound repairs. This technique can cause exaggeration of the fullness when there is firm underlying skeletal support of the soft tissues such as over the forehead.


前者我们在切除前额 中部、下巴及其他部位瘢痕,尤其是凹陷性瘢痕可灵活应用。




Caveat 8: There Are Other Ways to Deal with Lines of Unequal Length
Often in plastic surgery an ellipse is designed, but because of the configuration of the
lesion, the limbs of the ellipse have different lengths. A triangle of tissue (as described
above) is one solution, but there are occasions where this is not desirable.
If the discrepancy between the limbs is not too big, differential suturing (“stealing stitches”)is all that is required. When there is a greater discrepancy in length, in principle, one line can be made longer or the other can be made shorter, or both methods can be used (Fig. 1).

Remember, dog-ears commonly arise from two situations: the angle of the ellipse is too obtuse,or the length discrepancy between the two limbs is too great to allow for a “stealing” stitch.



The corner suture is best initiated near an imaginary line that bisects the tissue opposite the tissue corner. This allows the pull of the tissue directly into the corner, and not off to one side. A plumb line drawn opposite the corner will help guide the start and finish of the corner stitch (Figure 6). The needle enters the skin next to the plumb line (1 to 2 mm from the line) about 6 to 8 mm from the corner. The needle passes to the wound edge about 4 to 6 mm from the corner. It enters into the wound at the depth of the deep dermis, not beneath the dermis.

The corner flap is elevated with Adson forceps (pick-ups), and the needle is passed from one edge of the flap to the opposite edge of the flap. The needle passes through the deepest portion of the flap dermis, about 4 mm from the corner tip. After passing through the corner, the needle can be placed backward in the needle holder. The needle then passes about 4 to 6 mm from the corner into the deep dermis of the opposite edge from where the needle previously passed. The needle exits the skin on the opposite side of the plumb line, 6 to 8 mm from the corner. The suture is tied gently, allowing the tip to fit snugly into the corner. If the suture is tied too tightly, the corner tends to buckle.



